Here are some of the documents referenced by community planning group members, city staff, and developers. These documents may be useful in applying for permits in San Diego. For example, you can download documents such as the Uptown Community Plan Update 2016, the General Plan for the City of San Diego, the SANDAG Regional Transportation Plan, and others related to land use and planning policy from this page. This reference page is not intended to be exhaustive, however. Please consult official websites (such as, the City’s Uptown Community Profile page, and similar) for greater detail and official documents.

bracket-up-leftPlanning essentials

Uptown Community Plan Update (2016)

Official document set:
Uptown Community Profile

General Plan of the City of San Diego (2008)

City of San Diego Maps and Urban Analysis

SANDAG Demographics Data

bracket-up-leftOther material

City Council Policy 600-24 is the city council’s policy document that guides planning group actions.

Understanding The Brown Act from the City of San Diego.

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) list 2019 – Uptown projects only; .xlsx file for download

A Citizens Guide to Infrastructure (CIP)

Impact Fee Study (DRAFT – Uptown, FY2017)

Development Impact Fees Annual Report (FY2017)

City of San Diego Parks Plan

Age Well Survey (PDF, due 1/31/20)